Jerimiah E.
After many years in prison, Jerimiah E. was ready to begin a new life with his two boys. Regretful of his past and now with a criminal record, he faced an uphill battle to finding full-time employment and affordable housing for his family. “I regret my actions that led me to prison, and I’ve learned from my mistakes. I want to be a productive citizen and father,” he explained. “I want a second chance at life.”
Jeremiah learned about FFSC’s Employment Development & Mentoring Program (EDMP) through his probation officer. “So many of our fathers enroll right out of prison,” said Jarrett Kendall, FFSC director of employment. “For over two decades, FFSC has built relationships with local employers who believe in our employment program and hire our fathers because of the intensive training we provide to prep them before their first day on the job as well as their career.”
Even though Jerimiah didn’t own a car, he caught a bus to class every day, determined to become a better man and provider. But trusting himself became the biggest obstacle. After prison, he was lost when it came to new technology. “I felt overwhelmed and didn’t realize how much I had to learn. Everything was moving too fast, and I didn’t feel like I could trust myself to keep up.” FFSC encouraged him to stay the course. “The facilitators believed in me and other dads encouraged me to keep going.”
Along with learning how to operate a computer, Jeremiah was taught essential job skills, and staff helped him create his first resume. “I’ve never had a resume before!” he exclaimed. They also helped him open a bank account and taught him how to check and repair his credit. Jeremiah also attended substance abuse and education classes and worked with FFSC’s on-site therapist to make goals for the future. “For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was on a good path, thanks to FFSC who helped me the whole way.”
Jerimiah attended FFSC’s on-site hiring fair with nearly a dozen employers in attendance. After several interviews, Action Logistics hired him as a laborer. Shortly after, another offered him a position as a full-time welder. “I never thought any of this was possible for me,” he exclaimed. He is currently working with FFSC’s resources on securing housing for his family. “I’m so close to achieving what I didn’t think was possible. I’m grateful to have this second chance.”