History & Mission
Our Goal
Fathers & Families Support Center (FFSC) is dedicated to improving the lives of children and families by encouraging committed and responsible parents. Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty, child neglect, child abuse, and welfare dependence by educating and preparing fathers and mothers to become responsible parents who have the financial stability to support their children materially and the parenting skills to support them emotionally and developmentally.
To foster healthy relationships by strengthening families and communities.
Every father is a responsible father committed to a cohesive family relationship.
Our Story
Fathers & Families Support Center began in 1997 with one employee, Founder Halbert Sullivan, holding the first class in 1998. Starting as a small service agency dedicated to helping transform fathers disengaged from their children into nurturing parents, ready to support their children, FFSC has grown into a comprehensive service agency with 45 full-time employees, having reached nearly 22,000 fathers and made a difference for over 53,000 children who have more responsible parents today.

Fathers & Families’ Impact is Undeniable.
View Annual ReportRecognition From The Prestigious Council On Accreditation.
The New York-based Council On Accreditation (COA) recognizes leading non-profits nationally, who manage their resources effectively while providing the best possible services to their program participants. This is a notably difficult award to achieve and receive.
The only fatherhood-centric agency in the U.S. to earn COA accreditation.
1 of only 44 nonprofits out of 54,000 nonprofits in Missouri to have achieved COA accreditation.

The United Way Connection.
Fathers & Families Support Center and the clients it serves are grateful to have earned the support of the United Way. One of 160 high-performing non-profits serving the greater St. Louis community, FFSC is proud to be a United Way agency and to be supported in its efforts to help create a stronger, healthier and more equitable St. Louis community.