Doreen Colenburg
Doreen Colenburg is a Social Worker at Fathers & Families Support Center (FFSC). Her educational background includes graduating with honors from STLCC Florissant Valley with an associate’s degree in Human Services and Cum Laude from Fontbonne University with her bachelor’s degree in Social Work.
Since 2015, she has been dedicated to offering supportive services at FFSC for the F.I.R.E. Program, Missouri Fatherhood Initiative Program, and The Neighborhood Healing Network. Her passion and years of experience have led her to work with diverse populations including the homeless, unemployed, reentry and individuals with mental health issues.
Since 2018, Ms. Colenburg has been a noteworthy presenter at FFSC, offering professional development training. Ms. Colenburg can also be credited with creating new initiatives for the social service department. She has implemented Mindful Moments, which are designed to provide staff with techniques to relieve stress, offer encouragement, and bring about change and purpose.
She loves spending time with her family. In her spare time, she likes to sing, cook and do arts & crafts (anything that would cause her to use a glue gun).