Program Information

FFSC’s Re-Entry Project at the Transition Center of St. Louis (TCSTL) is a collaboration between FFSC and Missouri Department of Corrections. Participants from the TCSTL are transitioning from incarceration to re-entry into the community as responsible citizens. These participants enroll in FFSC’s six-week program, which includes developing responsible behaviors, life skills, parenting and positive relationship and communication classes, housing assistance and trauma-informed care. Participants are also given the opportunity to earn an industry recognized credential and find employment through FFSC’s Employment Development & Mentoring program.

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Full Year of Support

Graduates receive follow-up services for one year to support their successful re-entry. Questions? Contact us.

Program Offerings

Communication Classes | Housing Assistance | Trauma-Informed Care

Because of your generous contributions and ongoing support, you made it possible for us to make a big difference in the community for children & families. Thank you!