Kevin Cahill-Bey
Released from prison in 2015 for drugs and gun trafficking, Kevin Cahill-Bey had traveled a long road with many lessons. An unexpected early release sent him hunting for a way out of his old lifestyle. “I felt like God was giving me another chance,” Kevin said. “And I wasn’t about to waste it.”
Transitioning from prison to a 30-day half-way house, Kevin combed through community resources to find some kind of guidance or direction to prevent returning to the streets. “That’s when I found Fathers & Families Support Center,” he said, which assists not only fathers, but men like Kevin, who need help transitioning from prison back into the community.
“With the help of FFSC facilitators, I became a certified Forklift Operator, which helped me land a temp job at General Motors,” Kevin explained. “I felt on top of the world, but I knew the job was only temporary. I had to come up with another plan for employment.”
Kevin enjoyed the economic stability and financial literacy classes provided by FFSC, which gave him an idea. “I began helping my friends and family become financially solvent through the tools I learned at FFSC,” he said. Within a short time, Kevin attracted a long list of people who needed help and were willing to pay for his services.
“I have to thank my facilitator, Mr. Andrew Glass for showing me that I am capable of more than just earning money on the streets,” said Kevin. “He believed in me, which helped me become who I am today, a Financial Developer helping individuals and families in St. Louis become financially solvent.”
There was one more surprise to Kevin’s story – his daughter Harmony, born two years ago.“I had no idea that I would become a Dad one day. But Fathers & Families Support Center prepared me for that as well with comprehensive parenting classes,” he added.
No longer living the “life of an outlaw” as he described, Kevin works every day to ensure a stable home for his daughter and family. “Life is so good today because of places like Fathers & Families Support Center,” admitted Kevin. “I would not be where I am today without their help.”